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​Dr. Moreno and his team have found great success using one brand of prescription skin care products for 15 years. Obagi is a skin care company that creates prescription strength skin care products for all types of skin problems. There are different skin care lines in the Obagi system:

DrMoreno is the onlypremiere Diamond member of the Obagi Skincare System in South TexasDiscover the inner you with the help of Laredo's only Obagi Expert!

Nuderm System
The Nuderm system is the #1 perscription strength physician distributed skin care system in the market that actually corrects the functions and health of your skin. Nuderm was developed for all skin types and is primarily used by patients that have experienced premature aging possibly due to sunburns, daily sun exposure, stress, and environmental pollution.  

Clenziderm system 
Obagi CLENZIderm M.D. Systems is used to clear skin by penetrating to the root of the follicle and clear acne where it starts. The system is clinically proven to provide healthy clear skin in as little as 2 weeks. 

Elastiderm System
ELASTIderm is a one of a kind eye treatment that helps restore the youthful look of the skin around the eye using a combination of Collagen and Elastin which provides strength and elasticity to the surronding skin.

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