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​Face Lift

  A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as:

  • Sagging in the midface
  • Deep creases below the lower eyelids
  • Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
  • Loss of muscle tone in the lower face may create jowls
  • Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can make even a person of normal weight appear to have a double chin

Dr. Moreno uses the latest techniques to perform traditional and nontraditional face lifts in order to achieve a younger, refreshed look without looking unnatural. This procedure is often paired with a blepharoplasty to achieve the best overall results.

Blepharoplasty also known as an eye lid lift can be performed on both the upper and lower lids. Dr. Moreno can perform this procedure under local or general anesthesia, giving you a revived look.

Neck Lift
A Neck Lift can be performed to remove excess skin and fat from underneath the chin area. Incisions are made to fade in your natural anatomy. This procedure can be performed in multiple fashions. Further consultation with Dr. Moreno will reveal which technique is right for you.

Brow Lift
An incision is made behind the hair line in order to hide it. The eyebrows can then be lifted to give a more youthful look. This also helps with fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead and eye area.

An otoplasty is performed to make revisions to the position and sometimes shape of the ear. The ear can be moved back to reveal a more natural look.

Rhinoplasty’s are performed to revise cartilage and bone in the nose to make it more aesthetically beautiful. This procedure is different for each patient based on the patient’s desired results.

Septoplasty corrects any deviation in the septum in order to achieve a straighter airway for easier breathing. These procedure is often combined with a Rhinoplasty.

Chin Augmentation
Chin Augmentations are performed using silicon chin implants to achieve face symmetry and to fix sunken chins. This procedure is often combined with a Rhinoplasty for a more dramatic yet natural result. 

Laser Facial Resurfacing
This procedure uses a CO2 laser to remove uneven, discolored and scarred skin from the face by going to the deepest level of the skin to allow for a completely new layer of skin to be reformed.

Autologous Fat Injections
This procedure uses your own fat which is taken from an unwanted part of your body. The fat is then processed and injected into the any part of the face to as would dermal fillers. This can be used to fill in wrinkles, unwanted drooping, enhance cheeks or lips, and into nasal labial folds.

Kybella is a series of injections that destroy submental fat cells, also known as the double chin. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that improves the appearance of moderate to severe submental fullness in adults. 
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