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​Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation allows for patients to make improvements to areas that they may not be satisfied with. Dr. Moreno prefers using saline filled implants however silicone implants can be used on special requests. Dr. Moreno performs Breast Augmentations various ways based on each patient. Further consultations will allow patients to discuss methods on implantation and size to achieve optimal results.

Breast Reduction
A Breast Reduction is performed by removing excess tissue from the breast and simultaneously enhancing the shape and revising the nipple and areola. This procedure is common for women with large busts who have other physical problems such as back pain.

Dr. Moreno has created his own methods of liposuction that allows him to extract significant amounts of fat while achieving less bruising and swelling. This technique combines traditional liposuction techniques along with the new state of the art LipoLaser which emulsifies the fat. In the end, patients have better recoveries, have better figures, and are happier with the final results. 

Abdominoplasty, also known as the tummy tuck, is a procedure in which excess skin and fat is removed from the abdomen. At the same time, muscles are tightened, the bellybutton is revised, and the incision is hidden beneath the panty line. This is one Dr. Moreno’s most performed procedures.

Brachioplasty or Armplasty consists of the removal of excess skin and fat from the arms. This procedure is common amongst patients who have recently lost large amounts of weight. Arms are able to be revised back to an optimal position; however, a scar is visible on the underside of the arm.

Thighplasty is a procedure in which excess skin and fat is removed from the inner thighs. Patients often achieve maximum results when this procedure is combined with liposuction.

Circumferential Body Lift
A circumferential Body lift is a extension on the tummy tuck however its extends a complete 360 degrees around the body. This procedure is popular for patients who have recently lost large amounts of weight. 

Body Contouring Post Bariatric Surgery
Along with the circumferential body lift, post bariatric body contouring can be done in for form of various, innovative procedures in order to enhance and reform your body into a better shape than ever.

Zerona is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction with no injections and no pain. The system uses low level laser therapy over multiple sessions which provides a reduction in size and volume of the affected areas without prolonged down time.

Gluteal Augmentation 
Gluteal Augmentation is performed using silicone implants. An incision in made at the bottom crease of the buttocks to hide the incision. This procedure yields dramatic results, especially with patients who have little gluteal fat or muscle. 

Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as an autologous fat transfer, is a procedure in which fat is removed from the patients body through liposuction and transplanted into the buttock to give a rounder, fuller, and more lifted appearance. 
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